Dagger Light
  • Dagger Light
  • Dagger Light
  • Dagger Light
  • Dagger Light
  • Dagger Light
Dagger Light
Dagger Light Dagger Light Dagger Light Dagger Light Dagger Light

Dagger Light

Blade Options
Handle Color
The estimated delivery time for synthetic swords is around 4 weeks. For steel swords is around 4-4,5 months

  Estimated Delivery Time

Read here about our Estimated Delivery Time

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For a more detailed information about blade, guard, color and other options, please visit the THIS PAGE.

This waster incorporates all the important qualities relative to weight, the balance, and the mass dynamics of a steel sword, keeping also the flexibility qualities of a training sword, and maintaining the safety of the nylon material, so we can practice Historical Fencing with full force and intent, with minimal body protection.



TOTAL LENGHT: ~ 52 cm.
BLADE LENGHT: ~ 39 cm.
BASE WIDTH (RICASSO): ~ 3,5 cm. 
POINT WIDTH: ~2.2 cm.
BLADE THICKNESS: ~ 1.7 cm. - 1 cm.
BALANCE POINT: ~ 1,5 cm.
WEIGHT: ~ 400 gr.

Product Details
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